Camden Schools Top niche Ratings

Camden Schools Top Niche Ratings
Niche recently identified Camden County Schools as the 13th ranked school district in Georgia in their recent “2018 Best Schools” report. Niche, a national company based in Pittsburgh, PA, uses statistical analysis and user reviews to rate K-12 schools, colleges and cities. Visitors to use the school and cities rankings to determine the best places to purchase homes, relocate or establish businesses. Niche uses data from multiple state and national sources and user surveys to grade schools in academics, teachers, culture and diversity, health and safety and extracurricular offerings. Camden County Schools ranked 10th last year, moving down 3 spots in just one year. In the 2017 report Niche assigned the Camden County School district and every school within the district received an overall “A” rating in their 2017 Best Schools in America report.