Mrs. Carter’s 5th Challenge Class at SMES has been focusing on Plankton while working their way through an Exploration unit. They have looked at the ecological importance of phytoplankton as well as how various physical features that help phytoplankton to survive in the changing conditions of the ocean. They have also learned how gaining knowledge on the ecological impact of Harmful Algae Blooms can help humans make informed actions about managing wildlife populations. To learn more about zooplankton, Mrs. Carter’s students had a guest speaker, Mr. Larry Dixon, come and lead the students through a squid dissection. Squid begins its life not greater than the size of pin head as zooplankton. The students found this activity exciting and gross at times all while learning so much!
Mrs. Carter's 5th graders learned about zooplankton & dissected a squid!
November 15, 2024